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Placeholder description! Match3, competition, what's not to like? Play this free online puzzle game right now!
Hey you! Yes you! Do you want pop some bubbles? They have all the fancy colors and there is even a highscore list for if you are good at shooting bubbles. Also this is obviously a placeholder text and you should have never seen this. Looks like we messed up! Please don't tell anyone and play Bubble Shooter Challenge for free instead!
Solitaire Garden is a card game that is driven a fantastic story. You renovating a garden you inherited and on your side is your good friend Alice. While playing Solitaire you earn points and coins that can be used to first clean up your garden and then start redecorating and renovating. Solitaire Garden brings you challenging solitaire gameplay and entertainment for days. Play this free online game NOW!
Solitaire Mahjong is our brand new mahjong challenge. It brings the classic Chinese board game to the next level! Your goal is to match open pairs of identical cards. Remove all of them from the board. But be careful: your time is limited! Hurry up or all progress will be lost! If you get stuck, you can ask for a hint that will keep you moving forward. Enjoy incredibly beautiful and polished graphics and a relaxing soundtrack. Achieve as much points as possible. Play Solitaire Mahjong now online and completely for free!
糖果雨 6-
Candy Rain is back with the 6th installation of the most delicious match-three title! Your task is the same as before: Combine at least three of the sweets to make them disappear - but be careful and smart about your next play, as your moves are limited. Complete more than 1500 colorful and fun packed levels. Find candies, waffles and chests full of coins - and catch them all. Use powerful boosters and create rewarding combo chains to beat the high score in every single level! And the best thing about it: All of this fun is still absolutely calorie free and doesn't cost money either! Play Candy Rain 6 now for free!
Welcome to Mahjong Story 2, the amazing successor of the beloved tile-matching game. Meet May, the young globetrotter, and her tame ferret Jong and join on their adventurous journey around the world. Help them to complete levels by finding pairs of matching Mahjong tiles. Score as high as possible to earn coins and power-ups. Explore new exciting places around the globe, visit famous historical cities like Rome or the snowy plains of North Pole. Find your lost luggage to unlock special tile sets that you've collected on previous voyages. And don’t forget to check your scrapbook to keep track of your journey and progress! Play Mahjong Story 2 now for free and enjoy countless hours of puzzle-fun!
Garden Tales 2 is the highly anticipated successor of the most beloved and fun match3 game in history! With brand new levels and a lot of polishing Garden Tales 2 takes you back in to the fun world of matching fruits. Whether you want to relax from a hard day of work or if you need something to to help you unwind from worries - the cheerful music and bright graphics will help your to find calmness and joy. Play Garden Tales 2 now for free and enjoy the juicy goodness!
紙牌故事 - Tripeaks 2-
Solitaire Story - Tripeaks 2 is the latest and greatest Solitaire game for you! Solving puzzles and traveling the world means endless hours of fun!